سِنتاواِس (CentOS) توزیع لینوکسی مبتنی بر توزیع تجاری ردهت است که از طرف جامعهٔ کاربری حمایت و توسعه پیدا میکند. نام سنت اوس مخفف Community ENTerprise Operating System و نوعی از سیستم عامل لینوکس است که در سرورها مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. بر اساس بررسی وبگاه web technology surveys در سال ۲۰۱۱ سنت اواس با بیش از ۳۰ ٪ سرورهای لینوکس در رتبه اول بیشترین لینوکس استفاده شده برای وبگاهها قرار گرفت. به طور کلی سیستم عامل لینوکس در رده سرور بهتر از ویندوز توانسته خود را نشان دهد و به همین دلیل سهم بیشتری از بازار سیستم عامل های سرور را به خود اختصاص داده است. سیستم عامل لینوکس نه فقط برای وب سرور بلکه برای شبکه داخلی انتخاب مناسب تری نسبت به ویندوز می باشد و ادمین های شبکه با نصب و به کارگیری آن و بهره گیری از ابزارها و امکانات مدیریتی آن می توانند کنترل بهتری بر شبکه خود داشته باشند. همچنین لینوکس دارای فایروال های قدرتمندی می باشد که می تواند تمامی ارتباطات شبکه را در تمام سطوح زیر نظر داشته باشد و شبکه را به حداکثر کارایی لازم برساند.
لينک دانلود فیلم آموزشی CentOS and Red Hat Linux to Certified System Administrator
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رمز فايل: technet24.ir
CentOS and Red Hat Linux to Certified System Administrator
Manufacturer: udemy
Manufacturer Website: https://www.udemy.com/red-hat-linux-centos-rhcsa/
Author: Jerry Banfield
Duration: 15 hours
Type of material dispensed: Video Tutorial
Language English
Description: You can use this course immediately to inspire your learning with Red Hat Linux and your preparation for the RedHat Certified System Administrator Exam (RHCSA)! Ask any question you have about CentOS, Red Hat Linux, or the RHCSA and get an answer quickly! Watch the promo video to see what kind of learning experience you can expect in the course!
Whether you have no experience with Red Hat Linux or any other type of Linux operating system, you can count on this course to get you started with the basics and show you what to do all the way into the advanced material. You get to see immediately why Linux is worth learning and using. Next, a basic familiarization with the graphic user interface leaves you feeling like you know your way around. Then, into the file system navigation and command lines. Finally, you experience the packet manager and are ready to dive deeper into the material!
If you are a veteran already at Red Hat Linux and want to continue your Red Hat Linux certification training, you will get the essentials for the exam delivered through three chapters explaining the key functions and highlighting what you need to know for the test. The key with passing any exam is simply effort. This course gives you another excellent resource to use along with your existing study materials to make sure you pass the RHCSA exam!
Thank you for reading this! Ermin and I look forward to serving you as a student in our course! Click take this course now to get lifetime access!
Section 1: Thank you for taking this course! Find out what value you get immediately!
Lecture 1 Introduction to the course.
Lecture 2 Why learn Linux.
Lecture 3 How to get your questions answered and get help with any problem!
Section 2: Installing RedHat or CentOS with minimal modifications to your current system.
Lecture 4 Downloading, installing and configuring VirtualBox on Windows 8.
Lecture 5 Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 1.
Lecture 6 Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 2.
Lecture 7 Create a Red Hat virtual machine part 3.
Section 3: Installing RedHat or CentOS with a dual boot approach on WIndows 8
Lecture 8 How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 1.
Lecture 9 How to dual boot Red Hat and windows 8 part 2.
Section 4: Linux Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Lecture 10 Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 1.
Lecture 11 Basic familiarization with Linux Graphical user interface part 2.
Section 5: Linux command line.
Lecture 12 File system navigation. Commands “ls, cd, pwd” part 1.
Lecture 13 File system navigation. Commands “ls, cd, pwd” part 2.
Lecture 14 Finding files. Commands “find, locate, updatedb, man.”
Lecture 15 File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands “chown, chmod” part 1.
Lecture 16 File and folder ownership and permissions. Commands “chown, chmod” part 2.
Lecture 17 Move, delete and copy files. Commands “mv, rm, cp.”
Lecture 18 Commands “grep, pipe, echo, cat.”
Lecture 19 Yum packet manager part 1.
Lecture 20 Yum packet manager part 2.
Lecture 21 Rpm packet manager.
Section 6: RedHat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam preparation.
Lecture 22 What does the RedHat Certified System Administrator exam include?
Section 7: Essential tools for using Red Hat Linux and passing the exam.
Lecture 23 Globbing (wildcards) part 1. Getting files fast without the entire name.
Lecture 24 Globbing (wildcards) part 2.
Lecture 25 I/O Redirection part 1. Input and output redirection with standard input / output.
Lecture 26 I/ORedirection part 2. Redirect standard error to standard output or command.
Lecture 27 I/ORedirection part 3 for redirecting standard error in more depth.
Lecture 28 Vim text editor part 1. How to do text editing and use text editors.
Lecture 29 Vim text editor part 2. Making changes in the Vim text editor.
Lecture 30 Vim text editor part 3. How to search for text within a file.
Lecture 31 Vim text editor part 4.
Lecture 32 Vim text editor part 5. Combining commands together to build new files.
Section 8: The Red Hat Linux file system explained and basic functions.
Lecture 33 Linux file system explained where all files are in the root directory.
Lecture 34 Hard and soft links in the Linux file system.
Lecture 35 Backups, recovery, and compression in Linux part 1. Introduction and use.
Lecture 36 Backups part 2. How to uncompress files and restore backed up files.
Lecture 37 Backups, recovery, and compression part 3. More about tar.
Lecture 38 Automating tasks with cron part 1. Meet the crontab and schedule tasks.
Lecture 39 Automating tasks with cron part 2. Creating a cron job and bash script.
Lecture 40 Automating tasks with cron part 3. Commenting out a line and making notes.
Lecture 41 Automating tasks with cron part 4. More about crontabs.
Section 9: User and groups management.
Lecture 42 User properties and where are they stored on the system.
Lecture 43 Creating a user.
Lecture 44 Creating groups and assigning users to them.
Section 10: Network configuration
Lecture 45 Intro to network interfaces.
Lecture 46 Network manager.
Lecture 47 Network manager and network configuration part 2 + some troubleshooting tools.
Section 11: Establishing secure connections via SSH.
Lecture 48 Installing and configuring SSH server part 1.
Lecture 49 Installing and configuring SSH server part 2.
Lecture 50 SSH passwordless login and SCP (secure copying of files between hosts).
Section 12: Partitioning.
Lecture 51 Partitioning and file systems.
Lecture 52 Partitioning a new disk.
Lecture 53 Formatting a partition using xfs file system.
Lecture 54 Mounting the partitions.
Section 13: Managing LVM Logical Volumes.
Lecture 55 Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 1.
Lecture 56 Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 2.
Lecture 57 Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 3.
Lecture 58 Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 4.
Lecture 59 Linux Volume Management (LVM) part 5.
Section 14: Encrypted file systems.
Lecture 60 LUKS part 1.
Lecture 61LUKS part 2.
Section 15: Servers under Red Hat: HTTP, FTP, VNC
Lecture 62 How to install and configure a web server part 1
Lecture 63 How to install and configure a web server part 2
Lecture 64 How to install and configure an FTP server part 1
Lecture 65 How to install and configure an FTP server part 2
Lecture 66 How to install and configure VNC
Section 16: Bonus lectures.
Lecture 67 Bonus lecture: Get any additional course with Ermin and me for 95% off!
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