Cisco CCNA 200-125 – The Complete Guide to Getting Certified
دوره CCNA 200-125 از ترکیب محتوای دو دوره ICND1 و ICND2 به وجود آمده است. در این دوره با هدف کمک به روند آموزش، بخش های دارای همپوشانی حذف و چینش برخی از محتوا نیز تفییر یافته است. در این دوره با چگونگی نصب، اداره کردن، پیکربندی و عیب یابی اصول مربوط به شبکه های مبتنی بر IPv4 و IPv6 شامل پیکربندی سوئیچ های LAN، پیکربندی IP router ها، مدیریت دستگاه های وابسته به شبکه و نیز آشنایی با تهدیدات امنیتی اولیه را خواهید آموختبررسی خواهد شد. همچنین آشنایی و شناخت توپولوژی های redundant، عیب یابی مشکلات رایج در شبکه، اتصال به یک WAN، پیکربندی EIGRP و OSPF در IPv4 و IPv6، فناوری های موجود در شبکه های WAN، دستگاه های مدیریتی سیسکو و Cisco licensing از جمله دیگر مطالبی خواهد بود که در طی این دوره با آنان آشنا خواهید شد.
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ویدئو آموزشی Packt Publishing – Cisco CCNA 200-125 – The Complete Guide to Getting Certified
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رمز فايل: technet24.ir
ISBN 139781789130089
Neil Anderson
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Course Length 36 hours and 21 minutes
Video Description
If you want to jumpstart your career in IT and networking by acing the Cisco CCNA exam, then this course is for you! It gives you a full understanding of all the concepts and topics you need to earn the most in-demand networking certification today by passing the Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 exam. This course offers an easy to understand, structured approach to shortcut your path to mastering Cisco networking to the CCNA level and beyond. In this course, you won’t just gain the book smarts to pass the exam. You’ll also hone your hands-on skills to succeed as a network engineer in the real world. If you take a comparable course at a training center it will cost you thousands of dollars, and when it’s over you can’t experience the tutorials again or ask the instructor any more questions. When you take my course you can learn anytime you want in the comfort of your own home, and I’m always here for you whenever you need any help.
Style and Approach
This course is chock full of activities. You’ll get over 300 pages of hands-on lab exercises with detailed answers to check your understanding every step of the way and build your configuration and troubleshooting skills. Full diagrams and lab setup files are included so you can get started immediately with just your laptop. No equipment or previous experience is required.
Table of Contents
How to Set Up the Lab
Host to Host Communications
The Cisco IOS Operating System
OSI Layer 4 – The Transport Layer
OSI Layer 3 – The Network Layer
IP Address Classes
OSI Layer 2 – The Data-Link Layer
OSI Layer 1 – The Physical Layer
Cisco Device Functions
The Life of a Packet
The Cisco Troubleshooting Methodology
Cisco Router and Switch Basics
Cisco Device Management
Routing Fundamentals
Dynamic Routing Protocols
Connectivity Troubleshooting
RIP – the Routing Information Protocol
EIGRP – Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol
OSPF – Open Shortest Path First
VLANs Virtual Local Area Networks
Inter–VLAN Routing
DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
HSRP – Hot Standby Router Protocol
STP – Spanning Tree Protocol
Switch Security
ACLs – Access Control Lists
NAT – Network Address Translation
IPv6 Addressing
IPv6 Routing
WAN – Wide Area Networks
BGP – Border Gateway Protocol
Cisco Device Security
Network Device Management
QoS Quality of Service
Cloud Computing
SDN Software-Defined Networking
What You Will Learn
Get what you need to pass the Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching 200-125 exam
Gain hands-on configuration and troubleshooting experience through practice labs
Explore how routing and switching technologies work in real-world environments
Develop skills to work on enterprise production networks
Neil Anderson
Neil Anderson – His mission is to build the best Cloud and Data Center systems engineers possible. He dropped out of school with no qualifications or future plans at the age of 15. When he got a little bit older and wiser he realized he should make a career for himself so he pulled himself up by learning about IT technologies through books and online resources. It’s his passion now to help you do the same. You know how some instructors seem to get a kick out of making things complicated to make themselves look smarter than you? He loves to make things as easy to understand as possible and seeing you get that lightbulb moment. He is proud of his ‘Top Responder’ tag on Udemy. He genuinely cares about giving you the best experience possible, both in the quality of his training and in ongoing support. Nothing makes him feel better than hearing back from students who he has helped move on to the next level in their career. It gives him huge satisfaction to know he has played a part in you achieving your goals.
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