دوره آموزشی MTCSE یا Mikrotik Certified Security Engineer یکی از دوره های جدید میکروتیک می باشد که در فوریه 2019 توسط شرکت میکروتیک معرفی گردید، جهت گرفتن مدرک MTCSE شرکت کنندگان حتما باید از قبل دوره های MTCNA و MTCRE را گذرانه و مدرک آنهارا اخذ کرده باشد. دوره MikroTik Security Engineer with LABS به صورت کاملا سناریو محور و می باشد که به صورت عملی نحوه جلوگیری از حملات به روتر MikroTik و همچنین روش های حفاظت آن آموزش داده می شود، در ادامه شما با آشنایی با انواع حملات، سرویس ها و مکانیزم ها در این خصوص، ایمن سازی سیستم عامل روتر Router OS، حملات لایه دو به پروتکل MNDP و جلوگیری از آن، شناسایی و جلوگیری از حملات TCP SYN، UDP، ICMP و یاده سازی برقرار ارتباط امن با روتر میکروتیک HTTPS, SSH, Winbox و … آشنا می شوید.
لینک دانلود ویدئو آموزش میکروتیک – MikroTik Security Engineer with LABS
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رمز فايل: technet24.ir
Drop port scan attacks using the MikroTik firewall
This course includes
Created by: Maher Haddad
Last updated: 9/2019
Language: English+Subtitle
Price: €199.99
Publisher: Udemy
Video: 9.5 hours on-demand
What you’ll learn
Configuring Port Knocking on MikroTik router
Disable unnecessary protocol on the MikroTik Router
Configure user management to allow particular users to login into the MikroTik Router
Protect the MikroTik Router from Brute force attacks
Protect the MikroTik router from DHCP starvation attacks
Protect the MikroTik router from rogue DHCP servers using DHCP Snooping
Protect the MikroTik router from ICMP flood attack
Protoct the MikroTik router from all type of DOS attacks
Understand how packet flow works in MikroTik routers
Understand and configure PPTP tunnelling
Understand and configure L2TP/IPSEC tunnelling
Understand and configure IPSEC VPN tunnelling
Understand how to configure Firewall rule using RAW table
Configure Firewall protection against TCP SYN attacks
Configure Firewall Protection against UDP attacks and prevention
Understand and configure Certificates in MikroTik routers to secure connections to the router
Configure Bridge filtering
Configure the MikroTik Router to prevent all type of ports scan
Understand the different type of Chains in the MikroTik Firewall
Prevent MNDP attacks using the MikroTik Firewall
Understand and configure SSTP tunnelling protocol with certificates
Have at least MikroTik MTCNA level
Understand basic networking topics such as TCP/IP, OSI Layer, etc
Have a good knowledge in MikroTik
As a network engineer, you have always a concern to protect your network from outside cyber attacks. This is most of the the time a challenge when it comes to deploy a security plan to your network.
MikroTik has an extensive firewall feature that can protect your network from all different types of Cyber attacks. The goal of this course is to show you all different steps using real LAB scenarios of how to protect your MikroTik router(s) from any type of cyber attacks and do not let hackers to compromise your network.
This course is based on the MikroTik MTCSE syllabus. So by taking this course, you will cover all the topics of the MikroTik MTCSE track and you will be ready for the exam.
In this course, I will issue cyber attacks to my MikroTik router to see what are the weaknesses available on the router and then show you how you can protect it. All the course will be based on Hands-on LABS that you can re-do them yourself after following this course.
In this course, I will discuss about all security concerns in MikroTik and how to protect your router(s). Some example of the topics that will be explained are:
• Attacks, mechanisms and services
• The most common threats
• RouterOS security deployment
• Packet flow, firewall chains
• Stateful firewall
• RAW table
• SYN flood mitigation
• RouterOS default configuration
• Best practices for management access
• Detecting an attack to critical infrastructure services
• Bridge filter
• Advanced options in firewall filter
• ICMP filtering
• MNDP attacks and prevention
• DHCP: rogue servers, starvation attacks and prevention
• TCP SYN attacks and prevention
• UDP attacks and prevention
• ICMP Smurf attacks and prevention
• FTP, telnet and SSH brute-force attacks and prevention
• Port scan detection and prevention
• Introduction to cryptography and terminology
• Encryption methods • Algorithms – symmetric, asymmetric
• Public key infrastructure (PKI)
• Port knocking
• Secure connections (HTTPS, SSH, WinBox)
• Default ports for the services
In addition of all those security topics, there is one module which explain about the VPN tunneling and will contain the following topics:
• Introduction to IPsec
• L2TP + IPsec
• SSTP with certificates
This course is ideal for Network engineers, technicians and students wanting to deploy and secure MikroTik device based networks. The content of this course is very rich and it has a lot of hands-on LABs so you are more familiar about the types of attacks and how to protect your MikroTik routers from them.
So, are you looking to become a MikroTik Security Professional and be ready for the MTCSE exam? If yes, please do not wait to enroll to my course.
Who this course is for:
Students and engineers interested to understand how to deploy security in MikroTik
Students and engineers who wants to be prepared for the MikroTik MTCSE exam
Course content
44 lectures 09:35:36
+Disable unnecessary protocols on the MikroTik Router 3 lectures 28:53
+Protecing MikroTik Logins with Port Knocking 3 lectures 32:10
+Get the right people to login into your MikroTik Router 3 lectures 28:29
+LockDown the Mikrotik Router – Disable unnecessary tools 2 lectures 23:53
+DHCP attacks and Prevention 2 lectures 44:32
+How the packets flow in MikroTik 3 lectures 29:01
+Firewall on MikroTik – The full story (Filter Rules, Mangle, NAT, RAW) 19 lectures 04:31:58
+Encrypted Tunnels on RouterOS 9 lectures 01:56:40
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